From:  "Dyllon the Smart" <>
Date:  Mon Apr 5, 2004  9:18 pm
Subject:  RE: [xantara] Mission Zero: Post #25

Jackson, somewhat surprised by the event, got his
water and walked over to the lady.

"Good evening, ma'am," he said.

"Hello, please call me Trinity" she said.

"Major Jackson Porter, Wing Commander," he answered.
The music played a new song. "Would you care to
dance?" he asked.

"I would love to."

Ryen watched as the two couples danced. He grabbed
Ali's hand and puller her up. "Dance with me" he said
to her, half a request and half and instruction. The
two ventured out to the middle of the dance floor near
their new friends. "We couldn't let you guys have all
the fun" he said.

Major Trinity, Executive Officer