From:  "Dyllon the Smart" <dilly_willy69@h...>
Date:  Wed Mar 31, 2004  1:29 am
Subject:  [xantara] Mission zero post #16


::Xantara, Bridge::
::Sometime later that day::

After hearing the captain say we should go and get ready for the party,
Trinity decided to head for her quarters to get ready. As she walked down
the couradors she waved and said "Hi" to everybody she saw. She arrived at
her quarters, entered and went to the replicator. "Coffee, black." How she
loved the taste of coffee, its bitter-sweet taste flowing across her tounge.
A slight pain was growing around her optical implant, ignoring it she
continued to get ready.

Since this evening a uniform wasn't required. She decided to wear her new
red dress, but first a sonic-shower was necessary. She stripped off her
uniform and proceded into the sonic-shower. She loved the low hum of the
machine. When the cycle was complete she walked to her closet and selected
her red dress. It was a reveiling dress, but not too reveiling. In any case
it was acceptable for a senior officer to ware. In addition to her dress she
let down her hair, a rare occurense, since it got in the way during battle.
Her hair was beautiful, long, blonde, and full of body with blue eyes to
match. Most men thought she was perfect.

After she got ready she sat down on her sofa and began to read her favorite
book. It was an old twenty-first century book about wizards, warriors and
elves. It was called Kindred Spirits.

Off: Holy crap! I think that was the longest post ever.....