From:  "Andrew Bisnett" <bizyboy00@y...>
Date:  Fri Mar 26, 2004  5:09 am
Subject:  Mission Zero: Post #7

<<USS Xantara>>
<<Fleet SBO>>

"How can I help you marine," stated Thuraya when he noticed the major
on the bridge.

"I'm Major Jackson Porter, you're Wing CO, sir," he responded.

"Glad to have you on board major," Thuraya said to him. He gestured
his hand
towards his ready room. "Join me please, I would like to know more

"Sure," he responded. The two walked into the adjacent room. As
they did, a man walked out of the rurbolift and sat down, seeing
Porter and the Colonel walking off of the bridge. They entered the
Ready Room.


"I'm glad to be serving aboard the Xantara, sir. She's a beauty,"
responded Jackson as he sat down.


"Actually, yes I do. The Infantry Company CO Serenity, is an old
friend of mine from the Academy. We tried to stay in contact over
the years, but we kinda drifted away, until we both found out that
we'd be working together aboard the Xantara," Jackson responded with
a smile. "So, from what my PADD said about the ship, I have some
very nice fighters, along with a top squadron."


"That would be a good idea. Besides, I wouldn't want to find myself
not understanding how to fly my bird in the middle of a battle," he


"Nope. I reported here as soon as I got aboard. I was going to
check my quarters, get a bite to eat, and see my fighters and pilots,
not in any particular order," he chuckled.


Major Jackson Porter
Wing Commander
USS Xantara, NX-02
Phoenix Fleet