From:  "Tom Cowan" <tomc371@m...>
Date:  Wed Mar 24, 2004  4:31 pm
Subject:  [xantara] Mission Zero: Post #4

Well, Karl thought to himself, another posting another ship. It wasn't the
first time that he'd been in this position and although he was relatively
still young at the age of 26, he had seen many things during his short life.

He checked himself in the mirror of his new quarters, which were just as he
liked sparse. No complications or distractions to take his mind away from
his work. He looked himself up and down in the mirror, preening his hair so
it was perfect. This wasn't vanity he told himself, he just wanted to look
his best in case any ladies should see him on his travels.

He listened carefully to the colonel's welcome and made his way towards the
bridge in order to introduce himself to his new commanding officer.

As he arrived he saw two men in conversation, he waited patiently.

(open Tag)

>Cpt. Karl Foster
>USS Xantara, NX-02
>Pheonix Fleet Command