From:  "Jeremy" <sawyerallen@y...>
Date:  Thu Mar 25, 2004  6:30 am
Subject:  Mission Zero: Post #6

Off: I'm used to novel style, but I'm willing to learn if you'd
rather do script style and you're willing to be patient with me as I


::USS Xantara::
::Chief Science Officer's Personal Quarters::

As Ryen stepped onto the Xantara, he had a good feeling. Not only
had he finally earned his post as the Chief Science Officer, but he
was on one of the most advanced ships in the fleet. It was an
opportunity he couldn't pass up. When he heard that Col. Thuraya
would be commanding the ship, he knew that this assignment was for
him. Although he had never met the Colonel, he was well known in the
Federation Marine Corps as a great man and a fine Marine.

It didn't take Ryen long to settle into his quarters. He hadn't
brought much with him. After unpacking some clothing and a few
books, Ryan pulled a package out his bag. As he unwrapped the
sweater protecting it, he saw what he had been looking for...a
photograph of his son Caden. He sat the silver-framed photo on his
desk so that it was visible from the desk and the bed. He sat down
on the bed and stared blankly at it for a moment, as if trying to
burn the image into his mind. Time seemed to stand still.

Inhaling suddenly, Ryan closed his eyes and put his right hand on his
forehead. "I miss you buddy" he said softly. He swallowed hard and
stood up, walking over to the mirror. His hair was a mess. It had
become a nervous habit for him to run his fingers through his hair
and although he wasn't anxious about his new assignment, he was a
little nervous about what to expect. He brushed his hair and
straightend his uniform, tugging down just above the waist. "First
impressions are important, I want to look my best" he thought to

Ryen titled his head slightly as his combadge beeped. "Colonel
Thuraya to all hands. I would like to welcome you all to the USS
Xantara. I will be holding a welcome aboard party tonight at 1900
hour in the ten forward. I extend this invitation to all crewmember
from private on up. No working tonight ladies and gentelman. Oh, and
the drinks are on me. Thuraya out."

"Computer, state the time" Ryen asked.

The computer acknowledged his request with the standard beep before
replying "the time is now 17 hundred 57."

"Thank you" Ryen said. "Computer, lights out" he said as he exited
his quarters. "I think I have plenty of time to explore a little bit
before I meet the rest of the crew" he said as he made his way down
the corridor. He knew his adventure was just about to begin...


Captain Ryen Sanchez
Chief Science Officer
USS Xantara NX-02
Phoenix Fleet