The VIPER CLASS is an Advanced Tactical Fighter. (ATF).
Its sleek and deadly design is capable of amazing aerobatic manouvers, and its impressive aresenal of weapons makes this little fighter one of the most impressive fighters in Starfleet.
It is designed for 2 crew, one in control of the vessel, the other running sensors and weapons. (although a single pilot can control both).
The multi-direction twin phasor emmiters mounted on the upper fin bar are able to fire in a continuous beam or in phased pulses, enabling the reduction of enemy shields at a much fater rate. The phasor frequency is rotated in microdegrees, making enemy sheild adaptation ever harder.
The VIPER CLASS is stocked with many torpedo launchers, and carries a large range of standard and micro Quatum Torpedoes. On some missions micro-cobalt devices have also been fitted.
The large impulse engine at the back gives the craft extremely fast sublight speeds, and it is capable of warp speeds.
In case of immenent destruction, the pilots can hit the 'Eject' switch, which then wraps them in a binding person forcefield. The chairs they are sitting on are then rapidly moved via tracks to the 2 escape pods located at the rear of the ship. On ejection, the weapons bar is blown free, and the pods ejected. This ability to eject safely makes the VIPER CLASS a much sought after vessel, as not many other fighters have the ejection option, thus dooming any pilot to certain death in the event of destruction.
These vessles are now being mass produced, and are finding their way onto the various Carriers and other tactical stations of the Federation.